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Bloom Essence

Bloom Essence

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom" - Anaïs Nin

This very special essence has gone through so many rituals of honouring to offer a combination of very high vibrational frequencies. This is all with the intention of bringing you back to a deep connection to self. A deep knowing and reclamation of all that your authentic expression can be. Bringing you back to that innate spark that occurred as your soul came into this expression in this existence. Everything that you have experienced has absolutely brought you to this moment, to the beautiful soul you are. However, we are so often weighed down or entangled in our cultural container, our ancestral wounds and all the resulting belief systems that we move through life disconnected from our true self, our true needs, our true essence. We have experiences that shape us, that tell us who we "should" be, that make us close off little parts of ourselves often until we have come to a point where our inner voice is so removed from us that we cannot hear it, we may feel it is even wrong, or we just do not know how to reconnect to it.

This essence is here to foster that reconnection.

With a strong focus on repairing your energetic structures and instilling a sense of self worth, self respect and an inner knowing and strength that you may not have known before, the ultimate goal is to help you shift your hurts, surrender to the healing process and move forward. More specifically, move forward with the ability and understanding that you are able to support yourself with the unconditional love that one may attribute to a “mother’s love”, in that it is unwavering and that you are able to depend on it being there in abundance, in all circumstances, regardless of where you may stand with others or within social constructs. The universe is holding you. You are able to hold that space for you. Deeply connected to your true authentic expression and soul alignment.

The essence is made even more special with a special wild rose infused brandy that was crafted for us by Snezana of Botanical Goddess to add some extra heart healing and high frequency energy. 

It is so close to our heart and it is a little bit of us that we offer to you and your heart.

Bloom ingredients:

High Vibrational essences of Sitka Burnet, Hawthorn, Chaparral, Pink Yarrow, Bleeding Heat, Pink Baby Rose, tobacco, Manzanita, Lady's Slipper, chrysoprase, emerald, rhodolite, garnet, apophyllite, rose quarts and blue/green tourmaline in energised mineral water and rose infused brandy crafted for Aurelia Alchemy by Botanical Goddess for potent heart support.