Moon Time - rest + restore
We have come to live in a society that accepts that a moon cycle will bring discomfort, emotional turmoil and distress. Unfortunately for many this is the case and on top of that there are layers of shame around talking about it, about admitting to it, about it limiting them. We often push through any physical, emotional, mental feelings and experiences to prove that we can. That we are fine. That we don't need to rest. Or because the shame of admitting you need to rest is too confronting. Or the possibility you may be perceived as weaker for it.
Our moon time is sacred. Bleeding is sacred and the sooner we connect with ourselves and our cycle the sooner we can really embrace the magick and medicine that comes from this time. Honour yourself and your beautiful body. Allow your body to rest and restore. When applying the oil tell your body and your womb that you are grateful for all it holds for you and that you will honour it while it releases. Nurture yourself and show yourself the love and care you deserve.
While there are a variety of approaches and modalities that can help bring a system into balance and minimise these experiences, this blend is a support for one to use during those times. Incorporating elements to support the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual beings this particular blend has been crafted for one massage into abdomen or add to a bath. For Daily support to balance the hormones as opposed to provide relief look at our Feminine Balance blend.
Ingredients: 100% virgin cold pressed jojoba oil, 100% essential oils of clary sage, geranium, sweet fennel, turmeric, lemongrass, copaiba; crystal nectars of moonstone, peach moonstone, labradorite. All infused in earth medicine ritual over the full lunar cycles of dark, new and full moon and attuned with an Om - 136.10hz tuning fork and an Optimal Menstruation information chip.