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Warrior Woman - inner strength

Warrior Woman - inner strength

With the intention of helping one stand in their own power, the warrior woman spray was crafted using elements that promote a strong sense of self, confidence and an inner knowing that will encourage the user to feel a stable foundation within themselves during times of turmoil, while treating themselves with kindness. This may be used during times of emotional distress or when one is going through a transition in life whether it be a relationship or family matter, a change in circumstances such as a career change or living situation. It may also be used to support one during the many internal journeys we take as women, exploring our inner workings, desires and needs and ensuring we approach this with clarity from our heart space.

The different elements incorporated into the spray have specifically been chosen to nurture the user, ensuring they feel supported externally and from within. The intention that they should feel strong enough to face any situation with confidence and stability and aiming to foster an inner unshakeable foundation or as the Hawaiians say, allowing the user to be Pa’a. It encourages the woman to connect with her inner self, her inner feelings and the desires of her soul as well as her cycles and feminine rhythms. It helps one to acknowledge that sometimes being your own warrior also means taking time to rest and restore and knowing when to focus on the “being” versus the “doing”. It supports the nervous system during times where one may feel they are going to war and need to put their warrior face on, encouraging that sense of support and safety and the connection with their inner self and all the women that came and journeyed before them. 

Ingredients: energised mineral water with essential oil dispersant (coconut + almond oil); with 100% essential oils of bergamot, sweet orange, geranium, and angelica; crystal nectars of turquoise, chrysocolla, moonstone, sodalite, and agate. All infused in earth medicine ritual over the full lunar cycles of dark, new and full moon and attuned with a Om - 136.10hz tuning fork.